A Half-Dozen Healys

The Adventures of Amy, Jason, Seth, Evan, Nora, and Maya

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Blog Postings for October 2015

Sick Days

Sometimes, your plans fall through. Sometimes, when your oldest child is home for two days with a fever, you have to cancel your plans to take the twins to story hour. Sometimes, you have to accept that you won't get out of the house today. Sometimes, you have to abandon your plans of keeping the house organized, and just embrace the chaos. Sometimes, you focus on the fact that everyone is home and safe, and take care of your sick child. And sometimes you play in your house all day and treat that as an exciting event.

Sometimes, you play mommy and baby.


The Neighborhood

We live at the end of a little street with three houses. We are fortunate enough to have our driveway plus some extra space outside our house which is just perfect for bike riding and outdoor exploring. It is a straight shot from our house to the first house on the street, and with our supervision, the driveway of this first house is often a manageable goal for the children to ride to on their various bicycles and tricycles.


Fields of Gold

“See the children run as the sun goes down Among the fields of gold” “Fields of Gold,” Sting



When we celebrated Sukkot with our temple this past weekend, in addition to the usual meanings associated with the holiday, namely celebrating the harvest season and remembering the 40 years the Jews wandered in the desert before entering the promised land, our rabbi encouraged us to consider change. That things change, and we can't always do anything about the circumstances of what's changing. What we can control is how we react to change.
