Highlights From the Last Week - Summer Days in Shorthand
by Amy
Because we've discovered that sometimes all we have time for around here is "short and sweet" (or nothing at all), here are some of the highlights of this last week, in bullet points and pictures. Because as they say, the days are long but the years are short. And we want to remember.
The babies had their first swim in the country club wading pool, with help from Grams.
The Wethersfield chickies came over for a fun visit, and the seven adults were outnumbered by eight children.
Nana, Aunt Emily, Aunt Sandi, Sachem, and Geema came to our house for a great visit.
Geema spent a few of her vacation days with us - so much fun!
We attended a pirate-themed story hour at the library.
Auntie Kara and Barbara (Auntie Kara's mother) came over for a nice visit.
July 4 - we celebrated our independence by taking a trip to the Amelia Park Children's Museum for Free Fun Friday (thanks for meeting us there, Grams!)
We managed to wear appropriately colored outfits for the 4th of July!
We made (and promptly devoured) a fruit flag!
We declared that for this weekend, Friday was Movie Night, Saturday was Book Party Night, and Sunday was Game Night (and we made it through a game of Sorry with only minimal crying!)
We took a trip to the East Granby Library. Fun for the babies now that they can interact and play, too!
We got ice cream at Moolicious.
We played in the sandtable and sandbox.
We took the kiddos to run around at the field house.
Jason took the boys for a swim lesson at the pool.
We all fell asleep! Ha ha!