34 Week Update
by Jason
We went for our 34-week checkup last Thursday, which included another ultrasound (pictures below). Everything looked fine, including a strong heartbeat and growth of the baby. They estimated Zipper's weight from some measurements on the ultrasound, and they're guessing he's about 5.5 pounds (60th percentile). So he's just a little above average right now. We'll have another ultrasound in a couple weeks so they can check on his weight, and we'll talk about delivery details with Amy's doctor. We trust Amy's doctor, and she'll be advising us on our options as the date gets closer.
We've included pictures from the ultrasound (and of Amy) below. The first ultrasound is "normal" (2D), and you can see a face looking back at you. The second ultrasound is "3D", where they take a composite of several ultrasounds and make more of a "real-life" picture out of it. Unfortunately, Zipper had his hands up, so you can't see all of his face, but it's still pretty cool. You can make out some of the main facial features, and the ultrasound tech said she could see hair on the top of his head.
It's hard to believe we're so close to the due date (middle of May). We're trying to get all of our last-minute things done around the house, and we're very excited for Zipper's arrival!